How To Know Child's Interest ? - Brainchecker

How To Know Child’s Interest ?

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How To know child’s inborn talents or interest at early age?

Young children are interested in many different things. Studies have shown that children’s participation in activities that are interesting to them is filled with powerful learning opportunities, including opportunities to build language and communication skills.

You can play a crucial role in awakening latent talents or developing current strengths through experiences you give your child at home.

Here are some ways for you to bring out your child’s best, regardless of how his gifts are packaged:

  1. Let your child discover her own interests.  Pay attention the activities she chooses. This free-time play can say a lot about where her gifts lie.
  2. Expose your child to a broad spectrum of experiences.   They may activate latent talents. Don’t assume that he isn’t gifted in an area because he hasn’t shown an interest.
  3. Give your child permission to make mistakes.  If she has to do things perfectly, she’ll never take the risks necessary to discover and develop a gift.
  4. Ask questions.  Help your child open up to he wonders of the world by asking intriguing questions: Why is the sky blue?  Find the answers together.
  5. Plan special family projects.  Shared creativity can awaken and develop new talents.
  6. Don’t pressure your child to learn.  If children are sent to special lessons every day in the hope of developing their gifts, they may become too stressed or exhausted to shine.  Encourage, but don’t push.
  7. Have high expectations.  But make them realistic.
  8. Share your work life.  Expose your child to images of success by taking him to work. Let him see you engaged in meaningful activities and allow him to become involved.
  9. Provide a sensory-rich environment.  Have materials around the home that will stimulate the senses: finger paints, percussion instruments, and  puppets.
  10. Keep your own passion for learning alive.  Your child will be influenced by your example.
  11. Don’t limit your child with labels.  They may saddle her with a reputation that doesn’t match her inner gifts.
  12. Play games together as a family.

Here Brain checker provides multiple career counseling test & programs for your all problems ..!

Brain Checker is India’s No.1 career counseling company awarded by reputed firms..!

Brain Checker always focus on child’s career development & help them to achieve their dreams & goals !

There are over 4000+ Career options available today including in fields previously unheard of. For Example today we have career’s like Paleoscatologists, Chiropractor, Somnologist and many more!

With Less than 10% students career consulting an expert before making a career choice, it does not come as a surprise that over 90% careers are chosen without understanding the child’s caliber!

Let’s not forget, Career is a Life time decision, let’s choose wisely!


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About the Author: Keya Raje

Senior Counselor ,M.A. Psychology.


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