May 2019 - Brainchecker

Advertising: Courses,Best Colleges,Career Prospects

Welcome To Brain Checker, For any brand, communication with the customer is of utmost importance. What better way to tell people about your company’s products than ads? It’s understood that advertising jobs are influential. Think about it- we…

8 Multiple Intelligence:A Parent’s Guide To MI Theory

Though the human brain is incredibly complex, until recent years, the popular perception of intelligence was strikingly simple—and antiquated. Indeed, both standard IQ tests and SAT tests are still based largely on the work of Alfred Binet, a French psychologist…

Acting as a career

Welcome To Brain Checker, The actor is said to be ‘assuming the role’ of another character or trying to get into the shoes of other character, fictitious or otherwise , usually for the benefit of an audience, but…

Top In-Demand Careers In India

Welcome To Brain Checker, Today in this article we are going to discuss in demand careers in India. There are many emerging career options which are attracting a large number of students. 1.Career in animation Career in Animation…

How to Build Your Child’s Confidence

Self-esteem plays a significant role in the development of healthy children. Children with high self-esteem generally become more successful in life. Unfortunately, the outcomes for children with low self-esteem can be quite poor. As a parent, your child’s…

How To Recognize The Signs Of Learning Disabilities By Grade

As children grow older, their behaviors change dramatically. While a hysterical tantrum over something minor is completely normal at two years of age, for example, at age ten or twelve it’s often considered aberrant and troubling. Just as…