Hello and welcome to another instalment of our educational & informative blog on personality testing in the workplace. In this article, we are going to talk about the Career Values Test, a questionnaire for examining why we work and what causes us. My name is Mrs. Keya Raje, and I am the Co-Founder of Brain Checker, India’s Largest Counseling & Assessment’s Company based out of Nashik, Maharashtra. The BCPA Test (Brain Checker Psychometric Assessment) is looking at HOW you work, the Career Values, and WHY you work.
We work to get paid, to buy the stuff we need and want.
At a very basic level, that answer is correct. But it is wrong to say that we work ONLY for money. Let’s understand it a bit better. Let’s say here today that you are offered two jobs.
You are qualified for, and able to do both of these positions, and both sets of undertakings are going to pay double of what you are currently making. Job one is , let’s say a coach in some group. The other undertaking is a manager for Red Cross. As a trainer, you would work closely with people in a supportive milieu, you are an expert in your discipline, you have a lot of freedom and openness to set your own schedule, and you need to be artistic to communicate your ideas to an audience. As a administrator in a bellow center for the Red Cross, you are in a direct management managing a large group of beings, you have lots of job security, and your work is benefiting a good cause.
Now, if you look at both of these stances, One of these places is more petitioning to you, and since they both pay the same, that difference has nothing to do with money.
So, money isn’t the only reasonable pay for the work we do and in some cases it isn’t even the most important reason. Peter Warr describes this in something he calls the Vitamin Model. There are lots of things you get out of work and like a vitamin, not have enough of these things is bad, getting too much either doesn’t make a difference or it can become a negative, and getting enough is just right. Maybe a better epithet for this would be the Goldilocks Model.
Anyway, each person has different things they are looking for their job to provide. Understanding these needs is essential for long term job satisfaction, involvement, and pleasure in your career.
So, let’s see if there is a structure for these’ things’ I keep talking about. In the 1970′ s, MIT professor Edgar Schein looked into this question. His research distinguished something he called Career Anchors.
Career Anchors were a list of the basic values, motives, and needs of working people. Later research by him and others expanded that roll in the 1980′ s. Brain Checker has been working on such research since 2013, by first changing the name of the list. And then expanding the list for a 10 year study job. We measured over 20,000 candidates and followed adopted radicals to be informed about just which costs were the most significant and testable qualities for work success and engagement.
So, you can use these results for occupation coaching, recruitment paralleling, and instantly facilitating managers understand better how to cause their employees. For each significance, it’s important for a director to understand just exactly where that Goldilocks zone is. For an individual, having a clearly articulated list of what you need your career to give you will perform your profession strategy much, much easier. So let’s look at the results and explain what Brain Checker’s test is measuring.
The mentions of the values are shortened up, so let’s unpack each one and excuse what it’s talking about.
Autonomy is about having freedom. Autonomy means being given a goal and then left to achieve that goal exerting your own approaches. If this is important to you, being micromanaged will be enormously annoying to you. If you have a low-toned composition on sovereignty, you require clear guidelines and lot’s of ministerial oversight.
Creativity is thinking about brand-new things, exploring options, and come through here with novel ideas.
If this is important to you, you want to be involved in product development or pattern or have a job that allows you to think new ideas. A low-grade value meant that the propect of being sided a blank sheet of paper, a blank canvas and being told to’ think up something new’ is traumatic. Entrepreneurship[ “Entrepreneurship”, “( sp ?) ” “Owning”, “being your own boss”, Richard Branson, “Richard Branson”] is wanting to be your own boss. Starting and building a business and reaping the benefits.
Creating something that you own.
Entrepreneurs can be inside an organization, like a franchisee, or outside like Elon Musk or Richard Branson. A high-pitched value now means you want to break the mildew and mounted your own destiny. Competition is going head to leader with your antagonists and coming out on top. If this is a strong career value for you, you will enjoy work situations that encourage you to compete directly with others.
You want to be the best and you demand everyone else to know it. If this is a low-pitched tally, you want to work in situations where competition is downplayed or nonexistent. Management is about wanting to be the big cheese, the top dog, the grand poobah. Where entrepreneurship is about ownership, this quality is about being in charge of other beings. If this is high on your roster of values, you want to be in a position where you call the shots and tell others when to jump.
If this is a low-spirited rating for you, moving up the management ladder is not going to be satisfying or enlivening to you. Security safety, stability, knowing that you will have a job tomorrow and the month and year after that.
Security is fiscal, having a stable job, but it’s also about persistence, knowing that things will not shift out from under you. If this is important to you, and your job isn’t stable, this will be an enormous source of stress for you. On the other hand, if it’s not important to you, a stable job might be a bit carrying, but it won’t stress you out.
Specialization is being the expert that everyone comes to for help. Being seen as the person with the most indepth knowledge on a topic. So, if you think this is important, you need to look for work that is not simply requires a level of knowledge, you crave a position that requires a lot of study and insight. Programmers, Surgeons, Lawyers, and Designer are all positions that require a high degree of specialized knowledge, but too, physical talents that require practice and repetition to master might be attractive to you. Service doing things that are good for others, being socially responsible, or working for a good cause.
If you have a high score now, you need to be in a position that you see as curing culture and starting the world a better place, so look for work that implies something.
Collegiality entails working with other people in a affectionate and encouraging environment. This isn’t the opposite of the’ Competition’ importance, it’s just clarifying who you are competing against. If collegiality is important to you, look for locations that require a lot of contact with coworkers that is friendly and non-confrontational. If this tally is low, you want to look for work that is more solitary or that does not require a lot of interaction with the team.
Lifestyle is also about lifestyle balance, where do you put your energy? Would you give up on a career opportunity if it had a negative effect on your personal living? Employees with high scores here target a great deal of emphasis on their personal living over their professional life.
This trait bounces up and down throughout your occupation, based on your home situation and senility. Sometimes you want to invest your time at home with your family, sometimes you just wanted to invest your time at the position advancing your career.
But in either contingency, understanding where life-style balance is in your hierarchy of values will assist you identify what stances will fit your needs and which ones will interfere with what is really important to you. The test gives you a reliable and accurate inventory of what you value, what you want, and what is necessary from your occupation. Knowing where your employees rank these values will let you know what they think is important, how to keep them happy by leaving them what they actually demand, and not just throwing more vitamins at them.
For more information on this and other research from Brain Checker, please visit our web site and subscribe to our YouTube channel for more instructional videos on temperament testing in the workplace. Thank you for reading.