Careers Planning in Human Resources Management | HRM | MBA / BBA / BMS - Brainchecker

Careers Planning in Human Resources Management | HRM | MBA / BBA / BMS

Hi All, welcome to Brain Checker’s blog, in today’s article we will be talking about Careers Planning in Human Resources Management | HRM | MBA/BBA/BMS. I am Keya Raje, a Counseling Psychologist and Co-Founder, Brain Checker, I have been working as a Career Counselor and Mental Health Professional for last 10+Years. In this article, we will be talking about Careers Planning in Human Resources Management | HRM | MBA/BBA/BMS. So let’s begin.

Careers Planning in Human Resources Management | HRM | MBA/BBA/BMS

What is Career Planning in HRM?

  • Career planning is the systematic process by which one selects career goals and the path to these goals. A career can be developed by an individual within one organization or several others. Considering career planning as a process within the organization, career planning is that part of personnel administration which aims at developing paths through which employees may progress in the organization over time.


Need for Career Planning in HRM

  • To provide suitable promotional opportunities to the employees who are really deserve for it.
  • To attract competent capable, skilled trained candidate toward the company and to retain them in the organisation.
  • To improve and increase motivation and morale among the employees.
  • To enable the employees to develop themselves and keep them ready to meet the various future challenges.


Objectives and Purposes

  • To Anticipate Future Vacancies
  • To Develop an Awareness
  • To Improve Employee Morale and Motivation
  • To Attract and to Retain the Right Type of Employees

Facilitate Expansion and Growth of Enterprise

  • To Utilize Managerial Talent Available at Overall Levels within the Organisation


Career Planning Process

  • Self-Appraisal
  • Identify Opportunities
  • Set Goals
  • Prepare Plans
  • Implement Plans


Advantages of Career Planning in HRM

  • Whenever career planning is pursued as an HRD effort by the management employees will work with loyalty, commitment to their assignment ultimately benefited to the organisation.
  • Training and development program will highly maintain to the employees, because training will improve their potential capabilities.
  • Career plans and opportunities for advancement, enhances the morale of the employees.
  • Designing of an open, non-evaluative, performance appraisal system and its implementation makes the career planning work easier ad helps in assessment of promotability of an employee and ascertaining the level of responsibility which an employee can execute.

Self-appraisal by employees is good in view of career prospects.

  • The methods and content of training programs should be in accordance with the career prospects of employees.

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About the Author: Keya Raje

Senior Counselor ,M.A. Psychology.

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