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Utilize Your Time Wisely: Lock Down Benefits For Students

Benefits?? of lock down?? You must be joking! How can you even think that this pandemic would bring us anything good? We know that these all are the most popped up questions in your heads right now! We…

Wild Career In Photography By Brain Checker

Welcome to Brain Checker, This article on having a career in photography is going to be an interesting read. I wrote this article keeping in mind how our society is changing rapidly. Earlier children and their parents had…

Life Skills Parents Can Teach Kids During The Covid Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic is a global crisis. Hundreds of thousands of people have died, millions have lost their jobs and millions of children are out of school. Parents, teachers and therapists have deep concerns about the toll this could have…

Covid19: How does COVID-19 spread?

In today’s blog we are going to aware you about corona i.e. covid19. What is COVID19 virus? A new respiratory virus that caused severe pneumonia was first identified in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China. The virus is now…

All About Autism: Help Your Child To Face Autism

Hello Folks, In this article we are going discuss about autism & how to help your child to face autism. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a problem that affects a child’s nervous system and growth and development. It…

Psychometric Test: How It Is Helpful For Students

It has always been people task to measure his physical traits- their height, weight and other attributes, but is it possible to measure one’s psychological traits as well? Traits such as personality, intelligence, attitude, and beliefs are important…

What Photonics Engineers Do?

In this career summary, you will find out what the job of a photonics engineer is about and what it is like. After reading this, you will have a good idea on what the job is about and…

Unheard MBA Specializations:Best Colleges

Welcome To Brainchecker, You are preparing for MBA entrance exams and have everything planned for your life as an MBA student and career thereafter. So what is your plan? To go off the beaten path or do something…

Metallurgical Engineering

Welcome To Brainchecker, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering educate students on the verticals of physical and chemical properties of different metals. Broadly, this engineering deals with all type of metal related areas. Today we will discuss all about metallurgical…

Hotel Management: Scope & Career Prospects

Gone are the days when medical and engineering were the most after career options. Today, these are not the only prospects which guarantee reputation and high income; there are many career avenues available for students, irrespective of their…